Casos de éxito
Cada día más organizaciones utilizan Proactivanet para gestionar con éxito su departamento de TI en todo el mundo.

USD ahorrados en horas hombre

tickets resolved in 18 months

“We improve control of IT assets, comply with cybersecurity audits, and different business areas can build their approval workflows."
Juan Carlos Herrera - Head of Systems Management Department at ESVAL

"Proactivanet ha sido clave como nuestra herramienta de soporte ante las auditorías".
Carlos Bartolomé, Director de TI

"The implementation of Proactivanet was achieved within the timeframe offered, considering that the lesser amount of calendar days obtained a higher score within the tender, it was totally challenging, however, the objective was consolidated."
Ing. Mario Pacherres - IT Support Coordinator

of the IT infrastructure was inventoried using automation within two weeks.

hoteles en 4 continentes gestionados con Proactivanet


"We needed to organise our inventory and we came across Proactivanet which is a very easy to use tool, with no need to install anything on the PCs."
Cristina Ruiz y Ruiz de Gopegui, Systems Director

"With Proactivanet we have had a rapid deployment without installing anything. It has been key for audits and for demonstrating compliance with certain controls in the company".
Elena Ortuondo, IT Manager