Create extraordinary and secure experiences for your customers

Offer your customers agile and customized service, automate manual processes and guarantee the availability 24 hours per day for the critical business services.

In retail, the digital transformation has been revolutionary, and it must be updated continuously to adapt to the clients’ needs. The IT departments must modernize their infrastructure, automate processes and provide digital tools to optimize the client’s experience.

Moreover, the retail sector has been among those most affected by ransomware in recent years due to the pandemic and to the growth of online purchases. This entailed a great challenge for IT departments that must guarantee total availability of the services 24 hours per day.

Do you want to know how Proactivanet can help you create extraordinary experiences for your clients and maintain your infrastructure secure?

Some data from the sector
  • 24% increase in online sales during 2020.
  • 4.29 billion USD in e-commerce sales in 2020.
  • 44% of all retail companies were affected by ransomware last year.
  • 32% of victims paid ransom.
  • 1.97 million USD in average recovery costs.

Source: The current state of ransomware in Financial Services 2021, Sophos.

How can Proactivanet help you?
  • 110% visibility of your IT infrastructure.
  • Reduction of unnecessary costs.
  • Optimization of the clients’ experience.
  • Reduction of your security risks.
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They already rely on us


"Proactivanet allows you to get a very quick overview, both of everything that is happening in the company and what has already expired and at the same time allows you to anticipate future events, it is a very dynamic tool."

Andres Perez, Director of IT Infrastructure and Security

"Gestionamos más de 2500 activos tecnológicos en más e 150 localizaciones a nivel nacional las 6 empresas del grupo".

Marco Tamayo, Jefe de Infraestructura