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SLAs during contingencies

If we combine the SLA concept with the contingency plan concept,...

The risks are known errors...

..Or at least many of them are, especially the ones most...

Don’t have a negative attitude, not everything is bad in continuity management

Let’s recognize that every time we speak of continuity management we...

Where do I start and what point should I reach with my CMDB?

The truth is that starting up a project to implement the...

#ITILGlossary - AMIS

      Managing availability does not consist only of implementing...

Risk Management: the Swiss cheese model

Can we use the Swiss cheese model utilized to analyze workplace...

Catalogue of Requests (1 of 2)

The concept of Service Catalogue is based on an IT Service...

Planning the sizing of the first-line support (1 of 5)

  In this series of articles, we will examine the question...

Changes and RFCs are not the same thing

They are often confused and considered as equivalent, but they are...

Professional services are also part of the catalogue

The Service Catalogue must also include all services that we provide...

Where do I start to draw up my catalogue of services?

The worst part of many projects is right before we initiate...