CMDB without ITAM? A complete failure!!

Tackling a CMDB implementation project is no trivial matter (it is not extremely complex either, but it is not easy, and we must acknowledge this). If we are going to get down to work, then at least we must attempt to do so with the maximum guarantees that our effort will be of some use....
And I am not the only one who says so: Gartner confirms in one of its research papers that one of the main obstacles confronting an organization when implementing a CMDB is the lack of data, or the lack of quality of the data related with the IT assets.
“Obstacles to CMDB efforts include keeping IT asset data updated and correcting poor IT asset data quality” Gartner.
This is so “simple” to resolve with an adequate IT Asset Management tool (ITAM, IT Asset Management), IT Asset Management). Perhaps the “simple” networks of the past could be managed manually, but with the current level of complexity, with hundreds/thousands of servers, SaaS platforms and OnPremise (hybrid world), multiple SOs and SGBDs, applications of all sorts for almost everything,.... How are we going to identify all this information, and especially keep it updated?
Whether we like it or not, there is only one possible solution to this conundrum, and it is to make the Discovery & Asset Management and Configuration Management communicate with each other, if possible bidirectionally. Or even better, they could be the same element in order to prevent continual transfers of information and minimize risks of incompatibilities or “stoppages” in the data exchange processes. But what is clear (very clear, crystal-clear) is that it is no longer possible to tackle a CMDB project without integrating a fully automated discovery and asset management system. To do so would surely guarantee failure 🙁
"For example, only 37% of organizations report having a complete IT asset inventory, despite the existence of inventory tools, which is a prerequisite for CMDB success" Gartner.
Well, now you know, so it is not that we have not warned you 😉
If what you need is assistance in obtaining support from management and/or funding for your ITAM project, please don’t hesitate to take a look at these recommendations from Gartner:
I hope that you enjoy it, and farewell
Jandro Castro.